I received more than 100 entries for the Gallery Scavenger Hunt contest in August! That’s awesome ! I’ve reviewed them all, and our first lucky winner of an autographed (and PERSONALIZED) Idina Menzel lithograph is Rachel H.! Congratulations!

Our second contest will be announced shortly. In the meantime, let me take a moment to take care of some important business. Idina-Here is run by the fans, for the fans. However, it’s not free. The past two years have been generously paid for by donations from people like you. The time has come to ask for donations once again! Kim put together an awesome proposal previously, so I’m going to simply repost what she has linked on the Donations page.

Unfortunately, while I love running this site and putting together everything I can for all of Idina’s fans, it does cost quite a bit of money every year. I hate asking for money, and while I am willing to pay for maintaining the site, help would of course be wonderful! So if you’re a frequent visitor to the site or appreciate all that’s on here, consider contributing to keeping this site on the web just a little bit longer. You don’t have to give a lot (there is a minimum of only 50 cents), and any amount would help.

There are two ways to contribute. The first of which is by using PayPal (the same used for eBay). It’s incredibly easy, and you would in no way be giving money directly to me. It all works through the hosting service of my site, Dreamhost. By using PayPal and the links below, all money will go directly through Dreamhost to a fund for this site. :) Just follow the instructions on the page.

The second way to help is by referring this site. If you’re interested in starting a site of your own, and are looking for a web host to purchase webspace from, all you need to do click on the Dreamhost link below (on the right) when you’ve decided to set up your new account. By doing that, $97 will be given to this site’s donations! To find out about the services Dreamhost has to offer, or to sign up to create your own site, visit (but remember: If you want this site to get the referral, you must click here or on the right link below.) The left link will lead you to the PayPal donation page.

donate refer

Any people who donate will be added to a list of past contributors, so send an e-mail to me to let me know which name you’d like to be referred to as and I’ll add you. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this site, and an even greater thanks to those who are willing to contribute to its future!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira