Fan Story | Nicole W.

February 2, 2008

I had discovered that Idina was going to do a CD signing in hometown on Long Island. I asked my parents if I could go since it was somewhat local. My father ended up taking me and I did my best to catch him up on all things Idina on the twenty minute car ride, including the fact that she sang the national anthem at the Giants vs. Patriots football game during the season (this will be relevant later).

We arrived just in time, as I was one of the last people to receive a wristband for purchasing the CD. I don’t think my dad and I expected the turnout to be so crazy — so many people in such a small space. When Idina entered the building, people went nuts and climbed up bookshelves for a glimpse. Fans had made t-shirts and posters and gifts just for that day … it was wild.

They had a color system for wristbands. Since my father and I only purchased one CD, we only got one wristband. I tend to be straight-laced, and warned my dad to not join me on line because he might get kicked out and leave me alone. He didn’t listen and somehow ended up getting away with it, joining me through the end at the autograph table. As we approached, I blurted out everything and anything I could think of: “I love the music video for ‘Brave!'” “I’m excited to listen to the CD!” and about a hundred thank-yous. My father, however, decided to tell her, “Hope you don’t jinx the Giants this time.” My dad is a huge Giants fan and in the seasonal game when Idina sang, they lost. The Super Bowl was the next day and it was the same match-up. “I know, right?!” was her response. As any typical teenager would do, I got embarrassed. As we got ushered away, I said about twenty more thank yous, while my dad ended with, “You’re prettier in person than you are a witch.” She smiled and shook both of our hands.

I was completely overwhelmed and went between bookshelves to compose myself. While all of my dad’s comments were humiliating at the time, it gives me my only Idina story. PS — The Giants ended up winning the Super Bowl.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira