Today we are officially kicking off our season of contests! We’ll have a new contest for you for the next three months. Here’s how it works: details will be posted the first week of the month and entries will be accepted until the last day of the month. Winners will be selected, privately notified, and publically announced soon thereafter. So without further ado, here is Contest #1!

contest promo

* You must find one photo that matches the description of each item listed. You can be creative, but if it’s wacky, tell me why you think the photo qualifies.
* All photos must be from the Idina-Here Gallery. I’ll know if they’re not!
* One entry per person. Contest is open to everyone of all ages worldwide!
* Zip/compress all 16 photos (please don’t send HQ files) into a single folder, name the folder with your name (aka Jane attach, and email your entry with your full name and mailing address to contest[at] with “August Contest” as your subject.
* Entries must be received by August 31 at 11:59 pm ET!
* Do NOT leave comments in the gallery on the photos you select. This makes them featured in the gallery and ruins the point of having to hunt for the photos. Comments on contest-qualifying images will be deleted all month long, even if it wasn’t your intent to bring attention to that photo!

The winner, selected at random from all completely correct entries, will receive a personalized and autographed Idina Menzel lithograph. You may win only once this season, as it is the same prize each time.

Idina lithograph

Click READ MORE at the bottom of this posting for the scavenger list! If you have questions, please post them in the comments here. GOOD LUCK!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira