The Official Site for Idina’s upcoming film, Ask the Dust, has added a slew of stills to the site under “Download/Gallery” – However, at this time, there are NO large stills of Idina. sad I’m hoping that they’ll add more. But! If you go to that section, the photo on the background is a beautiful still with Idina as ‘Vera’, which I happened to cap and add to the Gallery. On the site, AIM icons have also been added, Idina’s character being featured in one of them! If more photos surface, they will promptly be added in the Gallery below.

For those of you interested in news on Idina’s other film, imdependently made The Tollbooth, more screenings dates and locations have been added. Director, Debra Kirschner, sent out a mailing update to those on the mailing list — if you are not a recipient, you can read it below: (click “read more”)

Theme: Overlay by Kaira