I got a lot of great pictures over the past few days, and I’m still in the process of tagging them and organizing them — These are a few that I was able to put up last night. They are from events that already have an album in the Gallery. In the upcoming update, there will be an assortment of REALLY old pics featuring Idina and Taye back in 1996-1998. I’ll try to organize them and get them up as quickly as possible.

Updated Albums: Rent Promo Stills (HQ x4), Artios Awards 2005 (HQ x5), RENT10 Anniversary Benefit (HQ x6), “Today Show” – Katie Couric Goodbye (HQ x1), Virgin Megastore Rent CD Signing (HQ x2), “Today Show” – Rent Cast Appearance (HQ x4), “Nothing Like A Dame” 2004 Concert (HQ x4), Easter Bonnet 2004 Competition (HQ x3)

Theme: Overlay by Kaira