Well, my friends, Idina’s spring I Stand tour has come to an end! I had a blast at the couple shows I was able to attend, and I’ve read tons of awesome reviews. Were you able to catch a show? If so, feel free to leave a review in the comments here!

In the latter part of the tour, Idina debuted two brand new songs she wrote on the road, entitled “Spiraling” and “Butterfly.” They’re both gorgeous – though “Butterfly” is my personal favorite. smile You can listen to clips of them in the Original Music media section.

Also, as everyone is now accustomed to, I’m collecting concert photos for our gallery. We already have a good collection going, but a few shows are missing photos (Portsmouth, Alexandria, Glenside, & Brookville), so if you happened to take some nice, stealth photos at these (or other) shows without pissing off Idina with your flash, we’d love to add them! Just zip up the HQ images and e-mail them to me, telling me which show they’re from and how you’d like to be credited. Feel free to browse the images we’ve already added by clicking on the thumbnails below.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira