My my, it’s been a long time coming! I’ve been trying to put together these sections for about a year now, and they’ve finally come together, particularly a new surprise section that I’ve been hinting at for awhile. So here I present them to you after you’ve all been so patient.

First, the new Interactive Page has been updated, with a few games and fan-centric activities for everyone to enjoy! I plan on adding more once I get the feel for how people respond to it, so hopefully it’s all positive. Go take a look and let me know what you think!

Then, as an off-shoot of the Interactive page, is the newly designed Fan Corner! This new section was built specifically for presenting/sharing Meeting Idina stories and Idina-related art/graphics with other fans around the world. I know a LOT of you have been wanting to send me art (i.e. icons, banners, wallpapers, etc.), and now I have a place to put it all! Just head on over to the Fan Corner to learn how!

THE FAN CORNER (click below to enter)

note: I’ve noticed the Fan Corner‘s layout doesn’t mix well with Macs — I’m looking into fixing it, but for now, it’s best viewed with I.E. or Firefox.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira